
Case Study: Reduction of organic acids and water hardness in the paper machine circuit for packaging papers

Wednesday, 12. October 2022

Case study packaging paper/paper mill

Paper mills often face the challenge that the water cycle is not optimized or the paper mill neighborhood complains about odor nuisance.

LEVACO has developed the product DEFOKALK® 450 FD: A pH value regulating, natural, inorganic additive, which is applied in the paper machine circuit, and reduces the hardness of the water.

  • Control of the pH value
  • Reduction of the formation of carbon dioxide
  • Precipitation of the calcium hydrogen carbonate formed
  • Discharge of the calcium carbonate via paper
  • Reduction of organic acids by acid-base neutralization
  • A CO2-neutral version is available


Case study: DEFOKALK® 450 FD

If you know the problems and want to combat them with a CO2-neutral version, feel free to contact us or request the DEFOKALK® 450 FD case study.


EU Ecolabel
2012/481/EU printed paper
2014/256/EU converted paper products
2019/70 Annex I graphic paper
2019/70 Annex II tissue paper

Blauer Engel
DE-UZ 5 - Sanitary paper products made of recycled paper
DE-UZ 14a - Recycled paper
DE-UZ 56 - Recycled cardboard
DE-UZ 72 - Printing and publication of papers

BFR 36

Nordic Swan
Paper Products - Chemical Module

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