
LEVACO is consciously committed to its German business

Tuesday, 29. October 2024

LEVACO - interview in the „Handelsblatt“

In an interview with the 'Handelsblatt', CEO Marius Mühlenberg explains why LEVACO is consciously committed to Germany as a business location in the face of difficult conditions. Despite unreliable location conditions, uncertainty about future political regulatory plans, and rigid bureaucracy, which can only be solved through partnership-based cooperation with politicians and local authorities, companies should be optimistic about the future of Germany as a business location.

After all, medium-sized chemical companies such as LEVACO certainly provide important impulses and are extremely attractive for customers – worldwide. In one of the longest periods of recession, it is even more important that LEVACO continues to actively approach customers and the market with comprehensive concepts. Specialization, innovation, and investment in production and locations are important strategic pillars that are convincing.

“We can only score with innovative special chemical products that are developed in partnership with our customers,” says Marius Mühlenberg. LEVACO is responding to rising energy costs with better insulation and new heating cabinets that reduce consumption by 20 to 30 percent. The multi-millioneuro investment in a new boiler significantly increases capacity and makes the company more flexible and responsive to customer requirements. Retaining qualified specialists and working with them to develop innovations in response to customer needs is the future of German SMEs.

Read the full article here: Levaco: Warum der Chemie-Mittelständler an Standort Deutschland glaubt

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